Welcome to our homepage!
Our gas station is located by one of Europe's most frequently used road (M86, E65), that
connects Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary thru Austria, Croatia and Slovenia!
We offer you full service and provide the famous and high quality AGIP fuel at the lowest prices in Europe!
- Parking available for 25 large trucks if you want to take a rest.
- We have showers, shop and snack bar for drivers.
- You can send faxes and use internet access. It is a clean, cosy resting place with high standars for tourists and other travellers.
- Our security is supported by 16 live camera. They are monitoring traffic and have direct connection to the local Police Office.
- We take cash, check card and other forms of payments such as: Routex, DKV, UTA fuel cards.
Plan with us, fuel your vehicle and have a rest at our facility!
Drive safe, and have a nice trip!
the Páli AGIP Team!